Ck2 agot reddit slaves
Ck2 agot reddit slaves

ck2 agot reddit slaves

My God, this mod really gives you free reign.

ck2 agot reddit slaves

I was so upset with the Tarlys I even provoked my brother into a war all because he married a Tarly, even though my brother had been nothing but loyal. If you have performance problems running both continents, simply removing Westeros will not really solve the problem. So I started fighting them more and more and it eventually came to a point where Garth Bulwer (Me) started mass executing Tarly children in a rage. Compared to that, Westeros is a small entirely feudal kingdom, which is the easiest thing the game engine can run. It is intended to work with Vanilla Map and is fully compatible with it. This mod adds trade routes as well as trade posts in certain provinces to Europe which are based on historical medieval ones. That is of course if you ever prayed for them. The ruin and colonization system likewise includes many maintenance events that run regularly in the background in order to make things go smoothly.Īll of things are for the most part in Essos which is why removing Essos can help with performance issues and stable(ish) MP. This mod is an answer to your prayers for a better trade networks.


The slavery system involves tagging, tracking and spawning a huge amount of characters, slaves, slave owners, former slaves, liberators, etc, all of them being tracked by the game engine and maintenance events running regularly in the background to clean things up. GAME VERSION: CK2 v. (but 3.0 should be enough) COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with all mods that run at least on CK2 version 3.0 - HIP, CK2+, AGoT, Elder Kings, Lux Invicta, LMM mods, WWSMS, Warcraft - Guardians of Azerot. There are like 4 or 5 merchant republics on the vanilla map, there are 17 in AGOT. A merchant republic holding an election for instance involves the game tagging and tracking several possible candidates and factors relating to them before settling a winner. Performance issues (and also MP de-syncs) come from the game engine running complicated event driven scripts and systems. For some context, AGOT has over 800 less provinces than vanilla, at any given time there are far more characters, titles and courts operating in a vanilla game than in a game of AGOT. Launch CK2 and select the mod in the Mod tab. Thanks for the idea though, I may just do that anyway xD. I think you just need to have a slave camp, maybe, and border a city that are able to be raided. Province count has nothing to do with performance issues. I finally managed to get it I colonised Borash next to the Demon Road and it gave me a CB to slave raid it via declaring war on Mereen.

Ck2 agot reddit slaves